Prezentujemy film by Tomek z zespołu Villa Rosa, ktory razem z nami pojechal na Art Car Boot Fair

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Do Londynu zabierzemy ze sobą także obiekty Doroty Nieznalskiej z serii "IMPLANTACJA PERWERSJI" (2004).
The relationships between the dominated and dominating, their particular kind of wrestling is what Dorota focuses on. The artist detects and traces this phenomenon in the private as well as in the public realm focussing on the relationships between close relatives and the impact of state or ideology on individuals. Analysing domination, Dorota focuses mainly on imposing it by means of setting the rules of order (family and social) where evaluation, perception and emotions are shaped into a set of schemes. " /A.Jakubowska, Submission [in:] Submission, catalogue of exhibition, p.2 /

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