Prezentujemy film by Tomek z zespołu Villa Rosa, ktory razem z nami pojechal na Art Car Boot Fair

Monday, May 21, 2007

Politycznie zaangażowany Grzegorz Klaman

Na targach: "Flagi dla III RP" i piny "I hate this system but I love the opportunities it creates".

Grzegorz Klaman is one of Poland’s best-known contemporary artists perhaps best known for works that comment on politics in Poland through large-scale sculptural installations. He often employs or refers to existing objects rather than creating new forms. His POL END installation proposed a new flag for Poland by adding a black stripe to the country’s red and white flag. His work has been exhibited extensively throughout Europe and the USA in both group and solo exhibitions.


Anonymous said...

Tak, pewnie tak jest

Anonymous said...

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